Source code for pyfasst.SeparateLeadStereo.SeparateLeadStereoTF

"""SeparateLeadStereo, with Time-Frequency choice

Provides a class (``SeparateLeadProcess``) within which several
processings can be run on an audio file, in order to extract the
lead instrument/main voice from a (stereophonic) audio mixture.

copyright (C) 2011 - 2013 Jean-Louis Durrieu

# Importing necessary packages:
import numpy as np

    import as wav
except ImportError:
    import scipy
    spver = scipy.__version__
    raise ImportError('Version of scipy is %s, ' %(spver) + \
                      'to read WAV files, one needs >= 0.7.0')
from .SIMM import SIMM as SIMM
import os
import warnings
# importing the cython version of tracking:
#from tracking import viterbiTrackingArray
from .tracking._tracking import viterbiTracking as viterbiTrackingArray
# the following import gets useful functions for this class:
from . import separateLeadFunctions as slf
import scipy.optimize
from ..tftransforms import tft # time-freq transforms

eps = 10 ** -9

knownTransfos = ['stft', 'hybridcqt', 'minqt',
                 'cqt', 'mqt'] # TODO: 'cqt', 'erb'?

[docs]class SeparateLeadProcess(): """SeparateLeadProcess class which implements the source separation algorithm, separating the 'lead' voice from the 'accompaniment'. It can deal automatically with the task (the 'lead' voice becomes the most energetic one), or can be manually told what the 'lead' is (through the melody line). **Attributes** dataType : dtype this is the input data type (usually the same as the audio encoding) displayEvolution : boolean display the evolution of the arrays (notably HF0) F, N : integer, integer F the number of frequency bins in the time-frequency representation (this is half the Fourier bins, + 1) N the number of analysis input frames files : dictionary containing the filenames of the output files for the separated signals, with the following keys (after initialization) 'inputAudioFilename' : input filename 'mus_output_file' : output filename for the estimated 'accompaniment', appending '_acc.wav' to the radical. 'outputDirSuffix' : the subfolder name to be appended to the path of the directory of the input file, the output files will be written in that subfolder 'outputDir' : the full path of the output files directory 'pathBaseName' : base name for the output files (full path + radical for all output files) 'pitch_output_file' : output filename for the estimated melody line appending '_pitches.txt' to the radical. 'voc_output_file' : output filename for the estimated 'lead instrument', appending '_voc.wav' to the radical. Additionally, the estimated 'accompaniment' and 'lead' with unvoiced parts estimation are written to the corresponding filename without these unvoiced parts, to which '_VUIMM.wav' is appended. imageCanvas : instance from MplCanvas or MplCanvas3Axes canvas used to draw the image of HF0 scaleData : double maximum value of the input data array. With, the data array type is integer, and does not fit well with the algorithm, so we need this scaleData parameter to navigate back and forth between the double and integer representation. scopeAllowedHF0 : double scope of allowed F0s around the estimated/given melody line stftParams : dictionary with the parameters for the time-frequency representation (Short-Time Fourier Transform - STFT), with the keys: 'hopsize' : the step, in number of samples, between analysis frames for the STFT 'NFT' : the number of Fourier bins on which the Fourier transforms are computed. 'windowSizeInSamples' : analysis frame length, in samples SIMMParams : dictionary with the parameters of the SIMM model (Smoothed Instantaneous Mixture Model [DRDF2010]_), with following keys: 'alphaL', 'alphaR' : double stereo model, panoramic parameters for the lead part 'betaL', 'betaR' : (R,) ndarray stereo model, panoramic parameters for each of the component of the accompaniment part. 'chirpPerF0' : integer number of F0s between two 'stable' F0s, modelled as chirps. 'F0Table' : (NF0,) ndarray frequency in Hz for each of the F0s appearing in WF0 'HF0' : (NF0*chirpPerF0, N) ndarray, *estimated* amplitude array corresponding to the different F0s (this is what you want if you want the visualisation representation of the pitch saliances). 'HF00' : (NF0*chirpPerF0, N) ndarray, *estimated* amplitude array HF0, after being zeroed everywhere outside the given scope from the estimated melody 'HGAMMA' : (P, K) ndarray, *estimated* amplitude array corresponding to the different smooth shapes, decomposition of the filters on the smooth shapes in WGAMMA 'HM' : (R, N) ndarray, *estimated* amplitude array corresponding to the decomposition of the accompaniment on the spectral shapes in WM 'HPHI' : (K, N) ndarray, *estimated* amplitude array corresponding to the decomposition of the filter part on the filter spectral shapes in WPHI, defined as, HGAMMA) 'K' : integer number of filters for the filter part decomposition 'maxF0' : double the highest F0 candidate 'minF0' : double the lowest F0 candidate 'NF0' : integer number of F0s in total 'niter' : integer number of iterations for the estimation algorithm 'P' : integer number of smooth spectral shapes for the filter part (in WGAMMA) 'R' : integer number of spectral shapes for the accompaniment part (in WM) 'stepNotes' : integer number of F0s between two semitones 'WF0' : (F, NF0*chirpPerF0) ndarray, *fixed* 'dictionary' of harmonic spectral shapes for the F0 candidates generated thanks to the KLGLOTT88 model [DRDF2010] 'WGAMMA' : (F, P) ndarray, *fixed* 'dictionary' of smooth spectral shapes for the filter part 'WM' : (F, R) ndarray, *estimated* array of spectral shapes that are directly *estimated* on the signal verbose : boolean if True, the program writes some information about what is happening wavCanvas : instance from MplCanvas or MplCanvas3Axes the canvas that is going to be used to draw the input audio waveform XL, XR : (F, N) ndarray resp. left and right channel STFT arrays **Methods** Constructor : reads the input audio file, computes the STFT, generates the different dictionaries (for the source part, harmonic patterns WF0, and for the filter part, smooth patterns WGAMMA). automaticMelodyAndSeparation : launches sequence of methods to estimate the parameters, estimate the melody, then re-estimate the parameters and at last separate the lead from the rest, considering the lead is the most energetic source of the mixture (with some continuity regularity) estimSIMMParams : estimates the parameters of the SIMM, i.e. HF0, HPHI, HGAMMA, HM and WM estimStereoSIMMParams : estimates the parameters of the stereo version of the SIMM, i.e. same parameters as estimSIMMParams, with the alphas and betas estimStereoSUIMMParams : same as above, but first adds 'noise' components to the source part initiateHF0WithIndexBestPath : computes the initial HF0, before the estimation, given the melody line (estimated or not) runViterbi : estimates the melody line from HF0, the energies of each F0 candidates setOutputFileNames : triggered when the text fields are changed, changing the output filenames writeSeparatedSignals : computing and writing the adaptive Wiener filtered separated files :py:func:`writeSeparatedSignalsWithUnvoice` : computing and writing the adaptive Wiener filtered separated files, unvoiced parts. **References** This is a class that encapsulates our work on source separation, published as: .. [DDR2011] J.-L. Durrieu, B. David and G. Richard, A Musically Motivated Mid-Level Representation For Pitch Estimation And Musical Audio Source Separation, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Signal Processing, October 2011, Vol. 5 (6), pp. 1180 - 1191. and .. [DRDF2010] J.-L. Durrieu, G. Richard, B. David and C. F\'evotte, Source/Filter Model for Main Melody Extraction From Polyphonic Audio Signals, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, special issue on Signal Models and Representations of Musical and Environmental Sounds, March 2010, vol. 18 (3), pp. 564 -- 575. As of 3/1/2012, available at """ # files : dict containing filename to I/O # stftParams : dict containing the parameters for the STFT files = {} stftParams = {} SIMMParams = {} def __init__(self, inputAudioFilename, windowSize=0.0464, hopsize=None, NFT=None, nbIter=10, numCompAccomp=40, minF0=39, maxF0=2000, stepNotes=16, chirpPerF0=1, K_numFilters=4, P_numAtomFilters=30, imageCanvas=None, wavCanvas=None, progressBar=None, verbose=True, outputDirSuffix='/', minF0search=None, maxF0search=None, tfrepresentation='stft', cqtfmax=4000, cqtfmin=50, cqtbins=48, cqtWinFunc=slf.minqt.sqrt_blackmanharris, cqtAtomHopFactor=0.25, initHF00='random', freeMemory=True): """During init, process is initiated, STFTs are computed, and the parameters are stored. **Parameters** inputAudioFilename : string filename of the input audio file windowSize : double, optional analysis frame ('windows') size, in s. By default, 0.0464s nbIter : integer, optional number of iterations for the estimation algorithm. By default, 10 numCompAccomp : integer, optional number of components for the accompaniment, default = 40 minF0 : double/integer, optional lowest F0 candidate (in Hz), default=60Hz maxF0 : double/integer, optional highest F0 candidate (in Hz), default=2000Hz stepNotes : integer, optional number of F0 candidates in one semitone, default=16 F0s/semitone K_numFilters : integer, optional number of filter spectral shapes, default=4 P_numAtomFilters : integer, optional number of atomic filter smooth spectral shapes, default=30 imageCanvas : MplCanvas/MplCanvas3Axes, optional an instance of the MplCanvas/MplCanvas3Axes, giving access to the axes where to draw the HF0 image. By default=None wavCanvas : MplCanvas/MplCanvas3Axes, optional an instance of the MplCanvas/MplCanvas3Axes, giving access to the axes to draw the waveform of the input signal. progressBar : boolean, optional ??? ??? verbose : boolean, optional Whether to write out or not information about the evolution of the algorithm. By default=False. outputDirSuffix : string, optional the subfolder name (to be appended to the full path to the audio signal), where the output files are going to be written. By default ='/' """ # discarding upper case letters from the input stri tfrepresentation = tfrepresentation.lower() if tfrepresentation not in knownTransfos: raise AttributeError("The desired Time-Freq representation "+ tfrepresentation+" is not a recognized one.\n"+ "Please choose from "+str(knownTransfos)) self.tfrepresentation = tfrepresentation # representation specific parameters: if self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: self.stftParams['cqtfmin'] = cqtfmin self.stftParams['cqtfmax'] = cqtfmax self.stftParams['cqtbins'] = cqtbins self.stftParams['cqtWinFunc'] = cqtWinFunc self.stftParams['cqtAtomHopFactor'] = cqtAtomHopFactor self.files['inputAudioFilename'] = str(inputAudioFilename) self.imageCanvas = imageCanvas self.wavCanvas = wavCanvas self.displayEvolution = True self.verbose=verbose if self.imageCanvas is None: self.displayEvolution = False if inputAudioFilename[-4:] != ".wav": raise ValueError("File not WAV file? Only WAV format support, "+\ "for now...") self.files['outputDirSuffix'] = outputDirSuffix self.files['outputDir'] = str('/').join(\ self.files['inputAudioFilename'].split('/')[:-1])+\ '/'+self.files['outputDirSuffix'] +'/' if os.path.isdir(self.files['outputDir']): print "Output directory already existing - "+\ "NB: overwriting files in:" print self.files['outputDir'] else: print "Creating output directory" print self.files['outputDir'] os.mkdir(self.files['outputDir']) self.files['pathBaseName'] = self.files['outputDir'] + \ self.files['inputAudioFilename'\ ].split('/')[-1][:-4] self.files['mus_output_file'] = str(self.files['pathBaseName']+\ '_acc.wav') self.files['voc_output_file'] = str(self.files['pathBaseName']+\ '_lead.wav') self.files['pitch_output_file'] = str(self.files['pathBaseName']+\ '_pitches.txt') print "Writing the different following output files:" print " separated lead in", \ self.files['voc_output_file'] print " separated accompaniment in", \ self.files['mus_output_file'] print " separated lead + unvoc in", \ self.files['voc_output_file'][:-4] + '_VUIMM.wav' print " separated acc - unvoc in", \ self.files['mus_output_file'][:-4] + '_VUIMM.wav' print " estimated pitches in", \ self.files['pitch_output_file'] # read the WAV file and store the STFT self.fs, data =['inputAudioFilename']) # for some bad format wav files, data is a str? # cf. files from beat/tempo evaluation campaign of MIREX ## print self.fs, data self.scaleData = 1.2 * np.abs(data).max() # to rescale the data. self.dataType = data.dtype data = np.double(data) / self.scaleData # makes data vary from -1 to 1 if data.shape[0] == data.size: # data is multi-channel print "The audio file is not stereo. Making stereo out of mono." print "(You could also try the older" data = np.vstack([data, data]).T self.numberChannels = 1 if data.shape[1] != 2: print "The data is multichannel, but not stereo... \n" print "Unfortunately this program does not scale well. Data is \n" print "reduced to its 2 first channels.\n" data = data[:,0:2] self.numberChannels = data.shape[1] # parameters for the STFT: self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] = \ slf.nextpow2(np.round(windowSize * self.fs)) if hopsize is None: self.stftParams['hopsize'] = ( self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] / 8.) else: self.stftParams['hopsize'] = np.double(hopsize) if NFT is None: self.stftParams['NFT'] = self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] else: self.stftParams['NFT'] = NFT # offsets are the number of samples added to the beginning of data # during the TF representation computation: # TODO: make this less of a hack? self.stftParams['offsets'] = { 'stft': self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] / 2, 'minqt': 0, 'mqt': 0, 'hybridcqt': 0, 'cqt': 0,} self.SIMMParams['niter'] = nbIter self.SIMMParams['R'] = numCompAccomp ##self.XR, F, N = slf.stft(data[:,0], fs=self.fs, ## hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'] , ## window=slf.sinebell(\ ## self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples']), ## nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'] ) ##self.XL, F, N = slf.stft(data[:,1], fs=self.fs, ## hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'] , ## window=slf.sinebell(\ ## self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples']), ## nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'] ) # non need to store this. ## self.SXR = np.abs(self.XR) ** 2 ## self.SXL = np.abs(self.XL) ** 2 # drawing the waveform to wavCanvas: if not(self.wavCanvas is None): if self.wavCanvas==self.imageCanvas: self.wavCanvas.ax2.clear() self.wavCanvas.ax2.plot(np.arange(data.shape[0]) / \ np.double(self.stftParams['hopsize']),\ data) #self.wavCanvas.ax2.plot(np.arange(data.shape[0]) / \ # np.double(self.fs), \ # data) self.wavCanvas.ax2.axis('tight') self.wavCanvas.draw() else:[0]) / \ np.double(self.fs), \ data)'tight') self.wavCanvas.draw() del data # TODO: also process these as options: self.SIMMParams['minF0'] = minF0 self.SIMMParams['maxF0'] = maxF0 self.F = self.stftParams['NFT']/2 + 1 # self.F, self.N = self.XR.shape # this is the number of F0s within one semitone self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'] = stepNotes # number of spectral shapes for the filter part self.SIMMParams['K'] = K_numFilters # number of elements in dictionary of smooth filters self.SIMMParams['P'] = P_numAtomFilters # number of chirped spectral shapes between each F0 # this feature should be further studied before # we find a good way of doing that. self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'] = chirpPerF0 self.scopeAllowedHF0 = 4.0 / 1.0 # Create the harmonic combs, for each F0 between minF0 and maxF0: self.SIMMParams['initHF00'] = initHF00 self.computeWF0() # for debug: if False: #DEBUG, aspect='auto',origin='lower') self.imageCanvas.draw() raise KeyboardInterrupt("Check these matrices !") if False: #DEBUG from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed ipshell = IPShellEmbed() ipshell() plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.log(self.SIMMParams['WF0']), aspect='auto', origin='lower',) plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.log(np.abs(self.XR)),aspect='auto',origin='lower') # Create the dictionary of smooth filters, for the filter part of # the lead isntrument: self.SIMMParams['WGAMMA'] = \ slf.generateHannBasis(numberFrequencyBins=self.F, sizeOfFourier=self.stftParams['NFT'], Fs=self.fs, frequencyScale='linear', numberOfBasis=self.SIMMParams['P'], overlap=.75) self.trackingParams = {} self.trackingParams['minF0search'] = self.SIMMParams['minF0'] self.trackingParams['maxF0search'] = self.SIMMParams['maxF0'] if minF0search is not None: self.trackingParams['minF0search'] = minF0search if maxF0search is not None: self.trackingParams['maxF0search'] = maxF0search print "Some parameter settings:" print " Size of analysis windows: ", \ self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] print " Hopsize: ", self.stftParams['hopsize'] print " Size of Fourier transforms: ", self.stftParams['NFT'] print " Number of iterations to be done: ",self.SIMMParams['niter'] print " Number of elements in WM: ", self.SIMMParams['R'] self.freeMemory = freeMemory
[docs] def setOutputFileNames(self, outputDirSuffix): """ If already loaded a wav file, at this point, we can redefine where we want the output files to be written. Could be used, for instance, between the first estimation or the Viterbi smooth estimation of the melody, and the re-estimation of the parameters. """ print "Redefining the Output Filenames !" self.files['outputDirSuffix'] = outputDirSuffix self.files['outputDir'] = str('/').join(\ self.files['inputAudioFilename'].split('/')[:-1])+\ '/'+self.files['outputDirSuffix'] +'/' if os.path.isdir(self.files['outputDir']): print "Output directory already existing - "+\ "NB: overwriting files in:" print self.files['outputDir'] else: print "Creating output directory" print self.files['outputDir'] os.mkdir(self.files['outputDir']) self.files['pathBaseName'] = self.files['outputDir'] + \ self.files[\ 'inputAudioFilename'].split('/')[-1][:-4] self.files['mus_output_file'] = str(self.files['pathBaseName']+\ '_acc.wav') self.files['voc_output_file'] = str(self.files['pathBaseName']+\ '_lead.wav') self.files['pitch_output_file'] = str(self.files['pathBaseName']+\ '_pitches.txt') print "Writing the different following output files:" print " separated lead in", \ self.files['voc_output_file'] print " separated accompaniment in", \ self.files['mus_output_file'] print " separated lead + unvoc in", \ self.files['voc_output_file'][:-4] + '_VUIMM.wav' print " separated acc - unvoc in", \ self.files['mus_output_file'][:-4] + '_VUIMM.wav' print " estimated pitches in", \ self.files['pitch_output_file']
[docs] def computeWF0(self): """Computes the frequency basis for the source part of SIMM, if tfrepresentation is a CQT, it also computes the cqt/hybridcqt transform object. """ if self.tfrepresentation == 'stftold': self.SIMMParams['F0Table'], WF0 = ( slf.generate_WF0_chirped( minF0=self.SIMMParams['minF0'], maxF0=self.SIMMParams['maxF0'], Fs=self.fs, Nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'], stepNotes=self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'], lengthWindow= self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'], Ot=0.5, # 20130130 used to be 0.25 perF0=self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'], depthChirpInSemiTone=.15, loadWF0=True, analysisWindow='sinebell')) self.SIMMParams['WF0'] = WF0[:self.F, :] # ensure same size as SX # number of harmonic combs self.SIMMParams['NF0'] = self.SIMMParams['F0Table'].size # Normalization: # by max or by sum? self.SIMMParams['WF0'] = ( self.SIMMParams['WF0'] / np.sum(self.SIMMParams['WF0'], axis=0)) elif self.tfrepresentation in ['hybridcqt', 'minqt'] and False: if self.verbose: print " Compute WF0, with MinQT transform" print " - potentially (very) long -" if self.verbose>1: print self.stftParams cqtwindowlength = np.ceil( self.fs / (self.stftParams['cqtfmin'] * (2.**(1./self.stftParams['cqtbins']) - 1)) ) self.SIMMParams['F0Table'], WF0, self.mqt = ( slf.generate_WF0_MinQT_chirped( minF0=self.SIMMParams['minF0'], maxF0=self.SIMMParams['maxF0'], cqtfmax=self.stftParams['cqtfmax'], cqtfmin=self.stftParams['cqtfmin'], cqtbins=self.stftParams['cqtbins'], Fs=self.fs, Nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'], stepNotes=self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'], lengthWindow=cqtwindowlength, # self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'], Ot=0.5, perF0=self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'], depthChirpInSemiTone=.5, loadWF0=True, cqtWinFunc=self.stftParams['cqtWinFunc'], atomHopFactor=self.stftParams['cqtAtomHopFactor'], analysisWindow='sinebell', verbose=self.verbose) ) self.SIMMParams['WF0'] = WF0 / np.sum(WF0, axis=0) # number of harmonic combs self.SIMMParams['NF0'] = self.SIMMParams['F0Table'].size # self.F is different from the STFT one, resetting it: self.F = WF0.shape[0] self.stftParams['hopsize'] = self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP self.stftParams['NFT'] = self.mqt.cqtkernel.linFTLen self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] = ( self.mqt.cqtkernel.linFTLen * (2 **(self.mqt.octaveNr-1)) ) # 20130405T0355 DJL should guarantee better for chunk sizes else: self.mqt = tft.tftransforms[self.tfrepresentation]( fmin=self.stftParams['cqtfmin'], fmax=self.stftParams['cqtfmax'], bins=self.stftParams['cqtbins'], fs=self.fs, linFTLen=self.stftParams['NFT'], atomHopFactor=self.stftParams['cqtAtomHopFactor'], winFunc=self.stftParams['cqtWinFunc'], perfRast=1, verbose=self.verbose ) self.SIMMParams['F0Table'], WF0, self.mqt = ( slf.generate_WF0_TR_chirped( transform=self.mqt, minF0=self.SIMMParams['minF0'], maxF0=self.SIMMParams['maxF0'], stepNotes=self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'], Ot=0.5, perF0=self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'], depthChirpInSemiTone=0.5, loadWF0=True, verbose=self.verbose)) self.SIMMParams['WF0'] = WF0 / np.sum(WF0, axis=0) # number of harmonic combs self.SIMMParams['NF0'] = self.SIMMParams['F0Table'].size # self.F is different from the STFT one, resetting it: self.F = WF0.shape[0] if hasattr(self.mqt, 'cqtkernel'): # updating the following parameters if the transform # is a CQT type transform. self.stftParams['hopsize'] = self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP self.stftParams['NFT'] = self.mqt.cqtkernel.FFTLen #self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] = ( # self.mqt.cqtkernel.Nk_max # * self.mqt.octaveNr) # to be ckeched... self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] = ( self.mqt.cqtkernel.FFTLen * (2**(self.mqt.octaveNr-1)) ) # 20130405T0355 DJL better maybe...
[docs] def computeMonoX(self, start=0, stop=None): """Computes and return SX, the mono channel or mean over the channels of the power spectrum of the signal """ fs, data =['inputAudioFilename']) data = np.double(data) / self.scaleData if len(data.shape)>1 and data.shape[1]>1: data = data.mean(axis=1) if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': X, F, N = slf.stft(data, fs=self.fs, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'] , window=slf.sinebell(\ self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples']), nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'] , start=start, stop=stop) del data, F, N self.F, _ = X.shape # careful ! F and N are therefore for the whole signal! # X = X[:,start:stop] return np.maximum(np.abs(X)**2, 10 ** -8) elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: # start is in frames, same for stop, therefore have to convert # according to parameters of hybridcqt: start *= self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP if stop is not None: # stop *= self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP stop = (stop - 1) * self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP stop += self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] #20130318 else: stop = data.shape[0] data = data[start:stop] self.mqt.computeTransform(data=data) SX = np.maximum( np.abs(self.mqt.transfo)**2, 10 ** -8) del self.mqt.transfo return SX
[docs] def computeNFrames(self): """ compute Nb Frames: """ if not hasattr(self, 'totFrames'): if self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: # NB for hybridcqt should be the same formula, # but the values are a bit different in nature. fs, data =['inputAudioFilename']) self.lengthData = data.shape[0] self.totFrames = ( np.int32(np.ceil((self.lengthData - 0) / # self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples']) / self.stftParams['hopsize'] + 1) + 1)# same number as in slf.stft ) self.N = self.totFrames return self.totFrames
[docs] def computeStereoX(self, start=0, stop=None, ): fs, data =['inputAudioFilename']) data = np.double(data) / self.scaleData if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': starttime = start * self.stftParams['hopsize'] if stop is not None: stoptime = stop * self.stftParams['hopsize'] else: stoptime = data.shape[0] self.originalDataLen = stoptime - starttime if len(data.shape)>1: self.XR, F, N = slf.stft( data[:, 0],#[starttime:stoptime,0], fs=self.fs, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'] , window=slf.sinebell( self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples']), nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'], start=start, stop=stop ) # not very useful in practice else: self.XR, F, N = slf.stft( data,#[starttime:stoptime], fs=self.fs, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'] , window=slf.sinebell( self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples']), nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'], start=start, stop=stop ) #self.XR = self.XR[:,start:stop] if len(data.shape)>1 and data.shape[1]>1: self.XL, F, N = slf.stft( data[:,1], #[starttime:stoptime,1], fs=self.fs, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'] , window=slf.sinebell( self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples']), nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'], start=start, stop=stop) else: self.XL = self.XR del F, N elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: start *= self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP if stop is not None: # stop *= self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP stop = (stop - 1) * self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP stop += self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] #20130318 else: stop = data.shape[0] # also works for multi channel data: data = data[start:stop] if len(data.shape)>1: self.mqt.computeTransform(data=data[:,0]) else: self.mqt.computeTransform(data=data) self.XR = np.copy(self.mqt.transfo) del self.mqt.transfo if len(data.shape)>1 and data.shape[1]>1: self.mqt.computeTransform(data=data[:,1]) self.XL = np.copy(self.mqt.transfo) del self.mqt.transfo else: # hybt.computeHybrid(data=data) self.XL = self.XR else: raise AttributeError(self.tfrepresentation + " not fully implemented.") #self.XL = self.XL[:,start:stop] del data self.F, _ = self.XR.shape
def computeStereoSX(self, start=0, stop=None, ): fs, data =['inputAudioFilename']) data = np.double(data) / self.scaleData if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': starttime = start * self.stftParams['hopsize'] if stop is not None: stoptime = stop * self.stftParams['hopsize'] else: stoptime = data.shape[0] self.originalDataLen = stoptime - starttime if len(data.shape)>1: # multichannel XR, F, N = slf.stft( data[:,0], #[starttime:stoptime,0], fs=self.fs, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'] , window=slf.sinebell( self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples']), nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'] , start=start, stop=stop) else: # single channel XR, F, N = slf.stft( data,#[starttime:stoptime], fs=self.fs, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'] , window=slf.sinebell( self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples']), nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'] , start=start, stop=stop) SXR = np.maximum(np.abs(XR)**2, 1e-8) del XR #XR = XR[:,start:stop] if len(data.shape)>1 and data.shape[1]>1: XL, F, N = slf.stft( data[:,1],#[starttime:stoptime,1], fs=self.fs, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'] , window=slf.sinebell( self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples']), nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'] , start=start, stop=stop) SXL = np.maximum(np.abs(XL)**2, 1e-8) del XL, F, N else: SXL = SXR elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: start *= self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP if stop is not None: stop = (stop - 1) * self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP stop += self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] #20130318 else: stop = data.shape[0] # also works for multi channel data: data = data[start:stop] if len(data.shape)>1: self.mqt.computeTransform(data=data[:,0]) else: self.mqt.computeTransform(data=data) SXR = np.maximum(np.abs(self.mqt.transfo)**2,10 ** -8) del self.mqt.transfo if len(data.shape)>1 and data.shape[1]>1: self.mqt.computeTransform(data=data[:,1]) SXL = np.maximum(np.abs(self.mqt.transfo)**2,10 ** -8) del self.mqt.transfo else: # hybt.computeHybrid(data=data) SXL = SXR else: raise NotImplementedError("Transform %s not fully implemented" %self.tfrepresentation) #XL = XL[:,start:stop] del data self.F, _ = SXR.shape return SXR, SXL def estimSIMMParams(self, R=1): ## section to estimate the melody, on monophonic algo: SX = self.computeMonoX() # First round of parameter estimation: print " Estimating IMM parameters, on mean of channels, with",R,\ "\n accompaniment components." HGAMMA, HPHI, HF0, HM, WM, recoError1 = SIMM.SIMM( # the data to be fitted to: SX, # the basis matrices for the spectral combs WF0=self.SIMMParams['WF0'], # and for the elementary filters: WGAMMA=self.SIMMParams['WGAMMA'], # number of desired filters, accompaniment spectra: numberOfFilters=self.SIMMParams['K'], numberOfAccompanimentSpectralShapes=R,#self.SIMMParams['R'], # putting only 2 elements in accompaniment for a start... # if any, initial amplitude matrices for HGAMMA0=None, HPHI0=None, HF00=None, WM0=None, HM0=None, # Some more optional arguments, to control the "convergence" # of the algo numberOfIterations=self.SIMMParams['niter'], updateRulePower=1., stepNotes=self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'], lambdaHF0 = 0.0 / (1.0 * SX.max()), alphaHF0=0.9, verbose=self.verbose, displayEvolution=self.displayEvolution, imageCanvas=self.imageCanvas, F0Table=self.SIMMParams['F0Table'], chirpPerF0=self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0']) self.SIMMParams['HGAMMA'] = HGAMMA self.SIMMParams['HPHI'] = HPHI self.SIMMParams['HF0'] = HF0 self.SIMMParams['HM'] = HM self.SIMMParams['WM'] = WM del SX
[docs] def estimHF0(self, R=1, maxFrames=1000): """ estimating and storing only HF0 for the whole excerpt, with only """ ## section to estimate the melody, on monophonic algo: #SX = self.computeMonoX() # too heavy, try to guess before hand instead #totFrames = SX.shape[1] totFrames, nChunks, maxFrames = self.checkChunkSize(maxFrames) # First round of parameter estimation: print " Estimating IMM parameters, on mean of channels, with",R,\ "\n accompaniment components."+\ " Nb of chunks: %d." %nChunks # del SX self.SIMMParams['HF0'] = np.zeros([self.SIMMParams['NF0'] * \ self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'], totFrames]) for n in range(nChunks): if self.verbose: print "Chunk nb", n+1, "out of", nChunks start = n*maxFrames stop = np.minimum((n+1)*maxFrames, totFrames) SX = self.computeMonoX(start=start, stop=stop) if self.SIMMParams['initHF00'] == 'nnls': # probably slower than running from random... HF00 = np.ones((self.SIMMParams['NF0'] * self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'], stop-start)) for framenb in range(stop-start): if self.verbose>1: print "frame", framenb HF00[:,framenb], _ = scipy.optimize.nnls( self.SIMMParams['WF0'], SX[:,framenb]) HF00 += eps else: HF00 = None HGAMMA, HPHI, HF0, HM, WM, recoError1 = SIMM.SIMM( # the data to be fitted to: SX, # the basis matrices for the spectral combs WF0=self.SIMMParams['WF0'], # and for the elementary filters: WGAMMA=self.SIMMParams['WGAMMA'], # number of desired filters, accompaniment spectra: numberOfFilters=self.SIMMParams['K'], numberOfAccompanimentSpectralShapes=R,#self.SIMMParams['R'], # putting only 2 elements in accompaniment for a start... # if any, initial amplitude matrices for HGAMMA0=None, HPHI0=None, HF00=HF00, WM0=None, HM0=None, # Some more optional arguments, to control the "convergence" # of the algo numberOfIterations=self.SIMMParams['niter'], updateRulePower=1., stepNotes=self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'], lambdaHF0 = 0.0 / (1.0 * SX.max()), alphaHF0=0.9, verbose=self.verbose, displayEvolution=self.displayEvolution, imageCanvas=self.imageCanvas, F0Table=self.SIMMParams['F0Table'], chirpPerF0=self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0']) if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': self.SIMMParams['HF0'][:,start:stop] = np.copy(HF0) elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: # the first frame of interest in the CQT representation, # for our purpose at least startincqt = np.sort(np.where(self.mqt.time_stamps>0)[0])[0] # and the last: stopincqt = (startincqt + stop - start) self.SIMMParams['HF0'][:,start:stop] = ( np.copy(HF0[:,startincqt:stopincqt])) del SX F0Table=self.SIMMParams['F0Table'] NF0 = self.SIMMParams['NF0'] * self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'] db = SIMM.db imgYticks = np.int32(np.linspace(NF0/5, NF0-1, num=5)).tolist() notesFreqs = {} notesFreqs['A4'] = 442 notesFreqs['A2'] = notesFreqs['A4'] / 4 notesFreqs['A3'] = notesFreqs['A4'] / 2 notesFreqs['A5'] = notesFreqs['A4'] * 2 notesFreqs['A6'] = notesFreqs['A4'] * 4 if (F0Table is None): imgYticklabels = imgYticks else: imgYticklabels = np.int32(F0Table[np.array(imgYticks)/ self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'] ]).tolist() for k, v in notesFreqs.items(): closestIndex = np.argmin(np.abs(F0Table-v)) if np.abs(12*np.log2(F0Table[closestIndex])-\ 12*np.log2(v)) < .25: imgYticks.append(closestIndex) imgYticklabels.append(k) if self.imageCanvas is not None:['HF0']), origin='lower', cmap='jet', aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest')[0].set_clim(\ np.amax(db(self.SIMMParams['HF0']))-100,\ np.amax(db(self.SIMMParams['HF0']))) self.imageCanvas.draw() # self.imageCanvas.updateGeometry()
[docs] def computeChroma(self, maxFrames=3000): """Compute the chroma matrix. """ if hasattr(self, 'SIMMParams'): if 'HF0' not in self.SIMMParams.keys(): self.estimHF0(maxFrames=maxFrames) else: raise AttributeError("The parameters for the SIMM are not"+\ " well initialized") if not hasattr(self, 'N'): warnings.warn("Issues with the attributes, running again"+\ " the estimation.") self.estimHF0(maxFrames=maxFrames) self.chroma = np.zeros([12*self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'], self.computeNFrames()])#self.N]) for n in range(12*self.SIMMParams['stepNotes']): self.chroma[n] = \ self.SIMMParams['HF0'][\ n::(12*self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'])].mean(axis=0) self.chroma /= (self.chroma.sum(axis=0))
[docs] def determineTuning(self): """Determine Tuning by checking the peaks corresponding to all possible patterns """ if not hasattr(self, 'chroma'): self.computeChroma() chromaSummary = self.chroma.sum(axis=1) patterns = {} patterns['minorHarmoPattern'] = np.array([0,2,3,5,7,8,10]) patterns['minorMelodPattern'] = np.array([0,2,3,5,7,9,11]) patterns['majorPattern'] = np.array([0,2,4,5,7,9,11]) patterns['andalusPattern'] = np.array([0,1,4,5,7,8,11]) nbPattern = len(patterns.keys()) nbTunings = self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'] nbKey = 12 scoresPerTuning = np.zeros([nbPattern, nbTunings*nbKey]) for ntun in range(nbTunings): for nk in range(nbKey): for npatt, pattern in enumerate(patterns.keys()): scoresPerTuning[npatt, ntun+nk*nbTunings] = \ chromaSummary[np.mod((patterns[pattern]+nk)*\ nbTunings+\ ntun, chromaSummary.size)].sum() bestTuning = np.argmax(scoresPerTuning) bestPattern = bestTuning / (nbTunings * nbKey) bestTuning = bestTuning - bestPattern * (nbTunings * nbKey) bestKey = bestTuning / nbTunings bestTuning = bestTuning - bestKey * nbTunings return scoresPerTuning, bestTuning, \ bestKey, patterns.keys()[bestPattern]
[docs] def automaticMelodyAndSeparation(self): """Fully automated estimation of melody and separation of signals. """ raise warnings.warn("This function does not work well with framed " + "estimation.") self.runViterbi() self.initiateHF0WithIndexBestPath() self.estimStereoSIMMParams() self.writeSeparatedSignals() self.estimStereoSUIMMParams() self.writeSeparatedSignalsWithUnvoice()
[docs] def autoMelSepAndWrite(self, maxFrames=1000): """Fully automated estimation of melody and separation of signals. """ self.estimHF0(maxFrames=maxFrames) self.runViterbi() self.initiateHF0WithIndexBestPath() self.estimStereoSIMMParamsWriteSeps(maxFrames=maxFrames)
def runViterbi(self): if not('HF0' in self.SIMMParams.keys()): raise AttributeError("HF0 has probably not been estimated yet.") ##SX = self.computeMonoX() # useless here? self.computeNFrames() # just to be sure self.N is total nb of frames # Viterbi decoding to estimate the predominant fundamental # frequency line scale = 1.0 NF0 = self.SIMMParams['NF0'] * self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'] # only considering the desired range of nmaxF0 = NF0 nminF0 = 0 # just so that it s easier to manipulate: minF0 = self.SIMMParams['minF0'] maxF0 = self.SIMMParams['maxF0'] minF0search = self.trackingParams['minF0search'] maxF0search = self.trackingParams['maxF0search'] if minF0search > minF0 and minF0search < maxF0: nminF0 = ( np.where(self.SIMMParams['F0Table']>=minF0search)[0][0] * self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0']) if maxF0search > minF0 and maxF0search < maxF0 and \ maxF0search > minF0search: nmaxF0 = ( (np.where(self.SIMMParams['F0Table']>=maxF0search)[0][0] + 1) * self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0']) NF0 = nmaxF0 - nminF0 print nminF0, nmaxF0 #DEBUG # filling the transitions probabilities transitions = np.exp(-np.floor(np.arange(0, NF0)/\ self.SIMMParams['stepNotes']) * \ scale) cutoffnote = 2 * 5 * self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'] cutoffnote = np.minimum(NF0, cutoffnote) transitions[cutoffnote:] = transitions[cutoffnote - 1] transitionMatrixF0 = np.zeros([NF0 + 1, NF0 + 1]) # toeplitz matrix b = np.arange(NF0) transitionMatrixF0[0:NF0, 0:NF0] = \ transitions[\ np.array(np.abs(np.outer(np.ones(NF0), b) \ - np.outer(b, np.ones(NF0))), dtype=int)] pf_0 = transitions[cutoffnote - 1] * 10 ** (-90) p0_0 = transitions[cutoffnote - 1] * 10 ** (-100) p0_f = transitions[cutoffnote - 1] * 10 ** (-80) transitionMatrixF0[0:NF0, NF0] = pf_0 transitionMatrixF0[NF0, 0:NF0] = p0_f transitionMatrixF0[NF0, NF0] = p0_0 sumTransitionMatrixF0 = np.sum(transitionMatrixF0, axis=1) transitionMatrixF0 = transitionMatrixF0 \ / np.outer(sumTransitionMatrixF0, \ np.ones(NF0 + 1)) priorProbabilities = 1 / (NF0 + 1.0) * np.ones([NF0 + 1]) logHF0 = np.zeros([NF0 + 1, self.N]) normHF0 = np.amax(self.SIMMParams['HF0'][nminF0:nmaxF0], axis=0) logHF0[0:NF0, :] = np.log(self.SIMMParams['HF0'][nminF0:nmaxF0]) logHF0[0:NF0, normHF0==0] = np.amin(logHF0[logHF0>-np.Inf]) logHF0[NF0, :] = np.maximum(np.amin(logHF0[logHF0>-np.Inf]),-100) # free all what s not needed anymore: del normHF0, transitions, b print "Running Viterbi algorithm to track the melody, " + \ str(self.N) + " frames." indexBestPath = viterbiTrackingArray(NF0, self.N,\ logHF0, np.log(priorProbabilities), np.log(transitionMatrixF0), verbose=False) indexBestPath += nminF0 print "Viterbi algorithm done..." # drawing this as a line is actually a bit confusing, on the image # TODO: think of a better representation (is contour good enough?) ##if self.displayEvolution and not(self.imageCanvas is None): ##, '-b') ##'tight') ## self.imageCanvas.draw() del logHF0 # detection of silences: if 'HPHI' in self.SIMMParams and False: # in case not estimated # TODO: this is broken, when nchunks > 1 # needs a fix, maybe keeping relative energy as # attribute, instead of computing it here. chirpPerF0 = self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'] stepNotes = self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'] HF00 = np.zeros([NF0 * chirpPerF0, self.N]) scopeAllowedHF0 = self.scopeAllowedHF0# 4.0 / 1.0 # 2.0 / 1.0 dim1index = np.array(\ np.maximum(\ np.minimum(\ np.outer(chirpPerF0 * indexBestPath, np.ones(chirpPerF0 \ * (2 \ * np.floor(stepNotes / \ scopeAllowedHF0) \ + 1))) \ + np.outer(np.ones(self.N), np.arange(-chirpPerF0 \ * np.floor(stepNotes / \ scopeAllowedHF0), chirpPerF0 \ * (np.floor(stepNotes / \ scopeAllowedHF0) \ + 1))), chirpPerF0 * NF0 - 1), 0), dtype=int).reshape(1, self.N * chirpPerF0 \ * (2 * np.floor(stepNotes/scopeAllowedHF0)\ + 1)) dim2index = np.outer(np.arange(self.N), np.ones(chirpPerF0 \ * (2 * np.floor(stepNotes \ /scopeAllowedHF0)+1),\ dtype=int)\ ).reshape(1, self.N * chirpPerF0 \ * (2 * np.floor(stepNotes \ / scopeAllowedHF0) \ + 1)) HF00[dim1index, dim2index] = self.SIMMParams['HF0'][dim1index, dim2index] HF00[:, indexBestPath == (NF0 - 1)] = 0.0 HF00[:, indexBestPath == 0] = 0.0 thres_energy = 0.000584 SF0 = np.maximum(['WF0'], HF00), eps) SPHI = np.maximum(['WGAMMA'], \['HGAMMA'], self.SIMMParams['HPHI'])), eps) SM = np.maximum(['WM'], \ self.SIMMParams['HM']), eps) hatSX = np.maximum(SPHI * SF0 + SM, eps) SX = self.computeMonoX() energyMel = np.sum((((SPHI * SF0)/hatSX)**2) * np.abs(SX), axis=0) energyMelSorted = np.sort(energyMel) energyMelCumul = np.cumsum(energyMelSorted) energyMelCumulNorm = energyMelCumul / max(energyMelCumul[-1], eps) # normalized to the maximum of energy: # expressed in 0.01 times the percentage ind_999 = np.nonzero(energyMelCumulNorm>thres_energy)[0][0] if ind_999 is None: ind_999 = self.N melNotPresent = (energyMel <= energyMelCumulNorm[ind_999]) indexBestPath[melNotPresent] = 0 else: if self.verbose: print " Not using energy threshold, since "+\ "parameters were deleted." freqMelody = self.SIMMParams['F0Table'][np.array( indexBestPath /self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'], dtype=int)] freqMelody[indexBestPath==0] = - freqMelody[indexBestPath==0] np.savetxt(self.files['pitch_output_file'], np.array([np.arange(self.N) * \ self.stftParams['hopsize'] / np.double(self.fs), freqMelody]).T) self.indexBestPath = indexBestPath self.freqMelody = freqMelody def initiateHF0WithIndexBestPath(self): # Second round of parameter estimation, with specific # initial HF00: NF0 = self.SIMMParams['NF0'] chirpPerF0 = self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'] stepNotes = self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'] HF00 = np.zeros([NF0 * chirpPerF0, self.N]) scopeAllowedHF0 = self.scopeAllowedHF0 # 2.0 / 1.0 # indexes for HF00: # TODO: reprogram this with a 'where'?... dim1index = np.array(\ np.maximum(\ np.minimum(\ np.outer(self.indexBestPath,# * chirpPerF0 #20130610 DJL??? np.ones(chirpPerF0 \ * (2 \ * np.floor(stepNotes / scopeAllowedHF0) \ + 1))) \ + np.outer(np.ones(self.N), np.arange(-chirpPerF0 \ * np.floor(stepNotes / scopeAllowedHF0), chirpPerF0 \ * (np.floor(stepNotes / scopeAllowedHF0) \ + 1))), chirpPerF0 * NF0 - 1), 0), dtype=int) dim1index = dim1index[self.indexBestPath!=0,:] dim1index = dim1index.reshape(1,dim1index.size) dim2index = np.outer(np.arange(self.N), np.ones(chirpPerF0 \ * (2 * np.floor(stepNotes \ / scopeAllowedHF0) + 1), \ dtype=int)\ ) dim2index = dim2index[self.indexBestPath!=0,:] dim2index = dim2index.reshape(1,dim2index.size) HF00[dim1index, dim2index] = self.SIMMParams['HF0'].max() HF00[:, self.indexBestPath == (NF0 - 1)] = 0.0 HF00[:, self.indexBestPath == 0] = 0.0 self.SIMMParams['HF00'] = HF00
[docs] def estimStereoSIMMParamsWriteSeps(self, maxFrames=1000): """Estimates the parameters little by little, by chunks, and sequentially writes the signals. In the end, concatenates all these separated signals into the desired output files """ #SX = self.computeMonoX() totFrames, nChunks, maxFrames = self.checkChunkSize(maxFrames) # del SX # First round of parameter estimation: print " Estimating IMM parameters, on stereo channels, with",\ self.SIMMParams['R'],\ "\n accompaniment components."+\ " Nb of chunks: %d." %nChunks self.SIMMParams['HGAMMA'] = None for n in range(nChunks): if self.verbose: print "Chunk nb", n+1, "out of", nChunks start = n*maxFrames stop = np.minimum((n+1)*maxFrames, totFrames) # computing only the power spectra for each channel: # - not storing the complex spectra - SXR, SXL = self.computeStereoSX(start=start, stop=stop) HF00 = np.zeros([self.SIMMParams['NF0'] * self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'], SXR.shape[1]]) if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': startinHF00 = 0 stopinHF00 = stop - start elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: startinHF00 = np.sort(np.where(self.mqt.time_stamps>0)[0])[0] stopinHF00 = startinHF00 + stop - start else: raise AttributeError(self.tfrepresentation + " not fully implemented.") HF00[:,startinHF00:stopinHF00] = ( self.SIMMParams['HF00'][:,start:stop]) alphaR, alphaL, HGAMMA, HPHI, HF0, \ betaR, betaL, HM, WM, recoError2 = SIMM.Stereo_SIMM( # the data to be fitted to: SXR, SXL, # the basis matrices for the spectral combs WF0=self.SIMMParams['WF0'], # and for the elementary filters: WGAMMA=self.SIMMParams['WGAMMA'], # number of desired filters, accompaniment spectra: numberOfFilters=self.SIMMParams['K'], numberOfAccompanimentSpectralShapes=self.SIMMParams['R'], # if any, initial amplitude matrices for HGAMMA0=self.SIMMParams['HGAMMA'], HPHI0=None, HF00=HF00, WM0=None, HM0=None, # Some more optional arguments, to control the "convergence" # of the algo numberOfIterations=self.SIMMParams['niter'], updateRulePower=1.0, stepNotes=self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'], lambdaHF0 = 0.0 / (1.0 * SXR.max()), alphaHF0=0.9, verbose=self.verbose, displayEvolution=False) self.SIMMParams['HGAMMA'] = HGAMMA self.SIMMParams['HPHI'] = HPHI self.SIMMParams['HF0'] = HF0 self.SIMMParams['HM'] = HM self.SIMMParams['WM'] = WM self.SIMMParams['alphaR'] = alphaR self.SIMMParams['alphaL'] = alphaL self.SIMMParams['betaR'] = betaR self.SIMMParams['betaL'] = betaL # keeping the estimated HF0 in memory: self.SIMMParams['HF00'][:,start:stop] = ( np.copy(HF0[:,startinHF00:stopinHF00])) del SXR, SXL, HF00 # computing and storing the complex spectra self.computeStereoX(start=start, stop=stop) # writing the separated signals as output wavfile with suffix # equal to the chunk number self.writeSeparatedSignals(suffix='%05d.wav'%n) # freeing memory del self.XR, self.XL if self.freeMemory: del self.SIMMParams['HM'], self.SIMMParams['HF0'] del self.SIMMParams['HPHI'] del self.SIMMParams['alphaR'], self.SIMMParams['alphaL'] del self.SIMMParams['betaR'], self.SIMMParams['betaL'] # Now concatenating the wav files self.overlapAddChunks( nChunks=nChunks, suffixIsSUIMM='.wav')
def overlapAddChunks(self, nChunks, suffixIsSUIMM='.wav'): # Now concatenating the wav files wlen = self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] offsetTF = self.stftParams['offsets'][self.tfrepresentation] # overlap add on the chunks: if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': hopsize = self.stftParams['hopsize'] overlapSamp = wlen - hopsize # for stft, the overlap is taken into account at computation # using rectangle synthesis function: overlapFunc = np.ones(overlapSamp) elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: hopsize = self.mqt.cqtkernel.atomHOP # for hybridcqt, have to compensate the overlap procedure: overlapSamp = wlen - hopsize # using sinebell ** 2 for overlapping function # (rectangle as analysis function for hybridcqt): overlapFunc = slf.sinebell(2 * overlapSamp)[overlapSamp:]**2 if self.verbose>3: print "[DEBUG] check that window adds to 1:", print overlapFunc + overlapFunc[::-1] nuDataLen = ( self.totFrames * hopsize + 2 * wlen) data = np.zeros([nuDataLen, 2], np.int16) cumulframe = 0 ##data = [] for n in range(nChunks): suffix='%05d%s'%(n, suffixIsSUIMM) fname = self.files['voc_output_file'][:-4] + suffix # data.append([1]) _, datatmp = if n == 0 and nChunks!=1: # weighing by the overlapping function datatmp[-overlapSamp:,0] *= overlapFunc datatmp[-overlapSamp:,1] *= overlapFunc lendatatmp = (datatmp.shape[0] - offsetTF) # (datatmp.shape[0] - wlen/2) data[:lendatatmp, :] = np.copy( datatmp[offsetTF:, :])# datatmp[wlen/2:, :]) cumulframe = lendatatmp elif nChunks != 1: # weighing by the overlapping function if n!=nChunks-1: datatmp[-overlapSamp:,0] *= overlapFunc datatmp[-overlapSamp:,1] *= overlapFunc datatmp[:overlapSamp,0] *= overlapFunc[::-1] datatmp[:overlapSamp,1] *= overlapFunc[::-1] start = cumulframe - wlen + hopsize lendatatmp = datatmp.shape[0] stop = start + lendatatmp data[start:stop, :] += datatmp cumulframe = stop else: # n=0 and nChunks = 1: lendatatmp = datatmp.shape[0] - offsetTF data[:lendatatmp] = datatmp[offsetTF:, :] os.remove(fname) # data = np.vstack(data) wav.write(self.files['voc_output_file'][:-4] + suffixIsSUIMM, self.fs, data[:self.lengthData,:]) data = np.zeros([nuDataLen, 2], np.int16) # overlap add on the chunks: cumulframe = 0 ##data = [] for n in range(nChunks): suffix='%05d%s'%(n, suffixIsSUIMM) fname = self.files['mus_output_file'][:-4] + suffix #data.append([1]) _, datatmp = if n == 0 and nChunks!=1: # weighing by the overlapping function datatmp[-overlapSamp:,0] *= overlapFunc datatmp[-overlapSamp:,1] *= overlapFunc lendatatmp = (datatmp.shape[0] - offsetTF) # (datatmp.shape[0] - wlen/2) data[:lendatatmp, :] = np.copy( datatmp[offsetTF:, :])# datatmp[wlen/2:, :]) cumulframe = lendatatmp elif nChunks != 1: # weighing by the overlapping function if n!=nChunks-1: datatmp[-overlapSamp:,0] *= overlapFunc datatmp[-overlapSamp:,1] *= overlapFunc datatmp[:overlapSamp,0] *= overlapFunc[::-1] datatmp[:overlapSamp,1] *= overlapFunc[::-1] start = cumulframe - wlen + hopsize lendatatmp = datatmp.shape[0] stop = start + lendatatmp data[start:stop, :] += datatmp cumulframe = stop else: # n=0 and nChunks = 1: lendatatmp = datatmp.shape[0] - offsetTF data[:lendatatmp] = datatmp[offsetTF:, :] os.remove(fname) #data = np.vstack(data) wav.write(self.files['mus_output_file'][:-4] + suffixIsSUIMM, self.fs, data[:self.lengthData,:])
[docs] def estimStereoSUIMMParamsWriteSeps(self, maxFrames=1000): """same as estimStereoSIMMParamsWriteSeps, but adds the unvoiced element in HF0 """ totFrames, nChunks, maxFrames = self.checkChunkSize(maxFrames) print " Estimating IMM parameters, on stereo channels, with",\ self.SIMMParams['R'],\ "\n accompaniment components."+\ " Nb of chunks: %d." %nChunks WUF0 = np.hstack([self.SIMMParams['WF0'], np.ones([self.SIMMParams['WF0'].shape[0], 1])]) self.SIMMParams['WUF0'] = WUF0 for n in range(nChunks): if self.verbose: print "Chunk nb", n+1, "out of", nChunks start = n*maxFrames stop = np.minimum((n+1)*maxFrames, totFrames) SXR, SXL = self.computeStereoSX(start=start, stop=stop) HUF0 = np.zeros([self.SIMMParams['NF0'] * self.SIMMParams['chirpPerF0'] + 1, SXR.shape[1]]) if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': startinHF00 = 0 stopinHF00 = stop - start elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: startinHF00 = np.sort(np.where(self.mqt.time_stamps>0)[0])[0] stopinHF00 = startinHF00 + stop - start else: raise AttributeError(self.tfrepresentation + " not fully implemented.") HUF0[:-1,startinHF00:stopinHF00] = ( self.SIMMParams['HF00'][:,start:stop]) HUF0[-1] = 1 alphaR, alphaL, HGAMMA, HPHI, HF0, \ betaR, betaL, HM, WM, recoError3 = SIMM.Stereo_SIMM( # the data to be fitted to: SXR, SXL, # the basis matrices for the spectral combs WUF0, # and for the elementary filters: WGAMMA=self.SIMMParams['WGAMMA'], # number of desired filters, accompaniment spectra: numberOfFilters=self.SIMMParams['K'], numberOfAccompanimentSpectralShapes=self.SIMMParams['R'], # if any, initial amplitude matrices for HGAMMA0=self.SIMMParams['HGAMMA'], HPHI0=None, HF00=HUF0, WM0=None,#WM, HM0=None,#HM, # Some more optional arguments, to control the "convergence" # of the algo numberOfIterations=self.SIMMParams['niter'], updateRulePower=1.0, stepNotes=self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'], lambdaHF0 = 0.0 / (1.0 * SXR.max()), alphaHF0=0.9, verbose=self.verbose, displayEvolution=False, updateHGAMMA=False) self.SIMMParams['HGAMMA'] = HGAMMA self.SIMMParams['HPHI'] = HPHI self.SIMMParams['HUF0'] = HF0 self.SIMMParams['HM'] = HM self.SIMMParams['WM'] = WM self.SIMMParams['alphaR'] = alphaR self.SIMMParams['alphaL'] = alphaL self.SIMMParams['betaR'] = betaR self.SIMMParams['betaL'] = betaL del SXR, SXL, HUF0 # computing and storing the complex spectra self.computeStereoX(start=start, stop=stop) # writing the separated signals as output wavfile with suffix # equal to the chunk number self.writeSeparatedSignals(suffix='%05d_VUIMM.wav'%n) # freeing memory del self.XR, self.XL del self.SIMMParams['HM'], self.SIMMParams['HUF0'] del self.SIMMParams['HPHI'] del self.SIMMParams['alphaR'], self.SIMMParams['alphaL'] del self.SIMMParams['betaR'], self.SIMMParams['betaL'] # Now concatenating the wav files self.overlapAddChunks( nChunks=nChunks, suffixIsSUIMM='_VUIMM.wav')
def estimStereoSIMMParams(self): self.computeStereoX() SXR = np.abs(self.XR) ** 2 SXL = np.abs(self.XL) ** 2 alphaR, alphaL, HGAMMA, HPHI, HF0, \ betaR, betaL, HM, WM, recoError2 = SIMM.Stereo_SIMM( # the data to be fitted to: SXR, SXL, # the basis matrices for the spectral combs WF0=self.SIMMParams['WF0'], # and for the elementary filters: WGAMMA=self.SIMMParams['WGAMMA'], # number of desired filters, accompaniment spectra: numberOfFilters=self.SIMMParams['K'], numberOfAccompanimentSpectralShapes=self.SIMMParams['R'], # if any, initial amplitude matrices for HGAMMA0=None, HPHI0=None, HF00=self.SIMMParams['HF00'], WM0=None, HM0=None, # Some more optional arguments, to control the "convergence" # of the algo numberOfIterations=self.SIMMParams['niter'], updateRulePower=1.0, stepNotes=self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'], lambdaHF0 = 0.0 / (1.0 * SXR.max()), alphaHF0=0.9, verbose=self.verbose, displayEvolution=False) self.SIMMParams['HGAMMA'] = HGAMMA self.SIMMParams['HPHI'] = HPHI self.SIMMParams['HF0'] = HF0 self.SIMMParams['HM'] = HM self.SIMMParams['WM'] = WM self.SIMMParams['alphaR'] = alphaR self.SIMMParams['alphaL'] = alphaL self.SIMMParams['betaR'] = betaR self.SIMMParams['betaL'] = betaL del SXR, SXL def estimStereoSUIMMParams(self): SXR = np.abs(self.XR) ** 2 SXL = np.abs(self.XL) ** 2 # adding the unvoiced part in the source basis: WUF0 = np.hstack([self.SIMMParams['WF0'], np.ones([self.SIMMParams['WF0'].shape[0], 1])]) HUF0 = np.vstack([self.SIMMParams['HF0'], np.ones([1, self.SIMMParams['HF0'].shape[1]])]) alphaR, alphaL, HGAMMA, HPHI, HF0, \ betaR, betaL, HM, WM, recoError3 = SIMM.Stereo_SIMM( # the data to be fitted to: SXR, SXL, # the basis matrices for the spectral combs WUF0, # and for the elementary filters: WGAMMA=self.SIMMParams['WGAMMA'], # number of desired filters, accompaniment spectra: numberOfFilters=self.SIMMParams['K'], numberOfAccompanimentSpectralShapes=self.SIMMParams['R'], # if any, initial amplitude matrices for HGAMMA0=self.SIMMParams['HGAMMA'], HPHI0=self.SIMMParams['HPHI'], HF00=HUF0, WM0=None,#WM, HM0=None,#HM, # Some more optional arguments, to control the "convergence" # of the algo numberOfIterations=self.SIMMParams['niter'], updateRulePower=1.0, stepNotes=self.SIMMParams['stepNotes'], lambdaHF0 = 0.0 / (1.0 * SXR.max()), alphaHF0=0.9, verbose=self.verbose, displayEvolution=False, updateHGAMMA=False) self.SIMMParams['HGAMMA'] = HGAMMA self.SIMMParams['HPHI'] = HPHI self.SIMMParams['HUF0'] = HF0 self.SIMMParams['WUF0'] = WUF0 self.SIMMParams['HM'] = HM self.SIMMParams['WM'] = WM self.SIMMParams['alphaR'] = alphaR self.SIMMParams['alphaL'] = alphaL self.SIMMParams['betaR'] = betaR self.SIMMParams['betaL'] = betaL
[docs] def writeSeparatedSignals(self, suffix='.wav'): """Writes the separated signals to the files in self.files. If suffix contains 'VUIMM', then this method will take the WF0 and HF0 that contain the estimated unvoiced elements. """ if 'VUIMM' in suffix: WF0 = self.SIMMParams['WUF0'] HF0 = self.SIMMParams['HUF0'] else: WF0 = self.SIMMParams['WF0'] HF0 = self.SIMMParams['HF0'] WGAMMA = self.SIMMParams['WGAMMA'] HGAMMA = self.SIMMParams['HGAMMA'] HPHI = self.SIMMParams['HPHI'] HM = self.SIMMParams['HM'] WM = self.SIMMParams['WM'] alphaR = self.SIMMParams['alphaR'] alphaL = self.SIMMParams['alphaL'] betaR = self.SIMMParams['betaR'] betaL = self.SIMMParams['betaL'] windowSizeInSamples = self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] SPHI =, HGAMMA), HPHI) SF0 =, HF0) hatSXR = (alphaR**2) * SF0 * SPHI +, betaR**2),HM) hatSXL = (alphaL**2) * SF0 * SPHI +, betaL**2),HM) hatSXR = np.maximum(hatSXR, eps) hatSXL = np.maximum(hatSXL, eps) hatVR = (alphaR**2) * SPHI * SF0 / hatSXR * self.XR if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': vestR = slf.istft( hatVR, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'], nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'], window=slf.sinebell(windowSizeInSamples), originalDataLen=None,)#self.originalDataLen)# / 4.0 elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: self.mqt.transfo = hatVR vestR = self.mqt.invertTransform() del self.mqt.transfo hatVR = (alphaL**2) * SPHI * SF0 / hatSXL * self.XL del SPHI, SF0 if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': vestL = slf.istft( hatVR, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'], nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'], window=slf.sinebell(windowSizeInSamples), originalDataLen=None,)#self.originalDataLen)# / 4.0 elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: self.mqt.transfo = hatVR vestL = self.mqt.invertTransform() del self.mqt.transfo del hatVR vestR = np.array(np.round(vestR*self.scaleData), dtype=self.dataType) vestL = np.array(np.round(vestL*self.scaleData), dtype=self.dataType) wav.write(self.files['voc_output_file'][:-4] + suffix, self.fs, np.array([vestR,vestL]).T) del vestR, vestL hatMR = (,betaR ** 2), HM)) / hatSXR * self.XR if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': mestR = slf.istft( hatMR, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'], nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'], window=slf.sinebell(windowSizeInSamples), originalDataLen=None,)#self.originalDataLen) # / 4.0 elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: self.mqt.transfo = hatMR mestR = self.mqt.invertTransform() del self.mqt.transfo hatMR = (,betaL ** 2), HM)) / hatSXL * self.XL if self.tfrepresentation == 'stft': mestL = slf.istft( hatMR, hopsize=self.stftParams['hopsize'], nfft=self.stftParams['NFT'], window=slf.sinebell(windowSizeInSamples), originalDataLen=None,)#self.originalDataLen) # / 4.0 elif self.tfrepresentation in knownTransfos: self.mqt.transfo = hatMR mestL = self.mqt.invertTransform() del self.mqt.transfo del hatMR mestR = np.array(np.round(mestR*self.scaleData), dtype=self.dataType) mestL = np.array(np.round(mestL*self.scaleData), dtype=self.dataType) wav.write(self.files['mus_output_file'][:-4] + suffix, self.fs, np.array([mestR,mestL]).T) del mestR, mestL
[docs] def writeSeparatedSignalsWithUnvoice(self): """A wrapper to give a decent name to the function: simply calling self.writeSeparatedSignals with the '_VUIMM.wav' suffix. """ self.writeSeparatedSignals(suffix='_VUIMM.wav')
[docs] def checkChunkSize(self, maxFrames): """Computes the number of chunks of size maxFrames, and changes maxFrames in case it does not provide long enough chunks (especially the last chunk). """ totFrames = np.int32(self.computeNFrames()) nChunks = totFrames / maxFrames + 1 # checking size of last chunk, if "small", then making it # more even sized chunks if (totFrames-(nChunks-1)*maxFrames < self.stftParams['windowSizeInSamples'] / self.stftParams['hopsize'] ): print "Modifying the maxframes, such that chunks not too small" maxFrames = nChunks = totFrames/maxFrames print "The chunks are then maximum", maxFrames return totFrames, nChunks, maxFrames