Source code for

"""Simple Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) routines to be used
to estimate initial parameters in FASST.

Relevant references:

.. [Durrieu2010] J.-L. Durrieu, G. Richard, B. David and C. Fevotte,
   Source/Filter Model for Main Melody Extraction From Polyphonic Audio 
   Signals, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 
   special issue on Signal Models and Representations of Musical and 
   Environmental Sounds, March 2010, Vol. 18 (3), pp. 564 -- 575.

.. [Fevotte2009] C. Fevotte and N. Bertin and J.-L. Durrieu,
   Nonnegative matrix factorization with the Itakura-Saito divergence.
   With application to music analysis,
   Neural Computation, vol. 21 (3), pp. 793-830, March 2009.
   [`pdf <>`_]


import numpy as np

eps = 1e-10

[docs]def NMF_decomposition(SX, nbComps=10, niter=10, verbose=0): """NMF multiplicative gradient, for Itakura Saito divergence measure between SX and ``,H)`` See for instance [Fevotte2009]_. """ freqs, nframes = SX.shape W = np.random.randn(freqs, nbComps)**2 H = np.random.randn(nbComps, nframes)**2 W /= W.sum(axis=0) for i in range(niter): if verbose: print " NMF iteration %d out of %d" %(i+1, niter) # updating W hatSX =, H) num = / np.maximum(hatSX**2, eps), H.T) den = / np.maximum(hatSX, eps), H.T) W *= num / np.maximum(den, eps) sumW = W.sum(axis=0) sumW[sumW==0] = 1. W /= sumW H *= np.vstack(sumW) # updating H hatSX =, H) num =, SX / np.maximum(hatSX**2, eps)) den =, 1 / np.maximum(hatSX, eps)) H *= num / np.maximum(den, eps) return W, H
[docs]def NMF_decomp_init(SX, nbComps=10, niter=10, verbose=0, Winit=None, Hinit=None, updateW=True, updateH=True): """\ NMF multiplicative gradient, for Itakura Saito divergence measure between ``SX`` and ``,H)`` .. math:: \\mathbf{S}_X \\approx \\mathbf{W} \\mathbf{H} s_{X, fn} \\approx \\sum_{k=1}^K w_{fk} h_{kn} See for instance [Fevotte2009]_. :param numpy.ndarray SX: Matrix to be factorized :param integer nbComps: Number of components / factors into which to decompose `SX` :param integer niter: Number of iterations for the NMF algorithm :param integer verbose: 0 for null verbosity, 1 for normal and more for debug :param numpy.ndarray Winit: Initial array for matrix `W` :param numpy.ndarray Hinit: Initial array for matrix `H` :param boolean updateW: whether to update W or not :param boolean updateH: whether to update H or not Returns : Notes : For (probably marginal) efficiency, the amplitude matrix ``H`` is "transposed", such that its use in the ```` operations uses a C-ordered contiguous array. The output is however in the "correct" form. """ freqs, nframes = SX.shape if Winit is None or (Winit.shape != (freqs, nbComps)): W = np.random.randn(freqs, nbComps)**2 if verbose and not updateW: print " NMF decomp init: not updating randomly initialized W..." else: W = np.copy(Winit) if verbose and updateW: print " NMF decomp init: updating provided initial W..." if Hinit is not None: if Hinit.shape == (nbComps, nframes): H = np.copy(Hinit.T) if verbose and updateH: print " NMF decomp init: updating provided initial H..." elif Hinit.shape == (nframes, nbComps): H = np.copy(Hinit) if verbose and updateH: print " NMF decomp init: updating provided initial H..." else: raise AttributeError('Hinit not in the right shape.') else: H = np.random.randn(nframes, nbComps, )**2 if verbose and not updateH: print " NMF decomp init: not updating randomly initialized H..." if updateW: W /= W.sum(axis=0) for i in range(niter): if verbose: print " NMF iteration %d out of %d" %(i+1, niter) if updateW:# updating W hatSX =, H.T) num = / np.maximum(hatSX**2, eps), H) den = / np.maximum(hatSX, eps), H) W *= num / np.maximum(den, eps) sumW = W.sum(axis=0) sumW[sumW==0] = 1. W /= sumW H *= sumW if updateH:# updating H hatSX =, W.T) num = / np.maximum(hatSX**2, eps), W) den = / np.maximum(hatSX, eps), W) H *= num / np.maximum(den, eps) return W, H.T
[docs]def SFNMF_decomp_init(SX, nbComps=10, nbFiltComps=10, niter=10, verbose=0, Winit=None, Hinit=None, WFiltInit=None, HFiltInit=None, updateW=True, updateH=True, updateWFilt=True, updateHFilt=True, nbResComps=2): """Implements a simple source/filter NMF algorithm, similar to that introduced in [Durrieu2010]_ """ freqs, nframes = SX.shape if Winit is None or (Winit.shape != (freqs, nbComps)): W = np.random.randn(freqs, nbComps)**2 if verbose and not updateW: print " NMF decomp init: not updating randomly initialized W..." else: W = np.copy(Winit) if verbose and updateW: print " NMF decomp init: updating provided initial W..." if Hinit is None or (Hinit.shape != (nframes, nbComps)): H = np.random.randn(nframes, nbComps, )**2 if verbose and not updateH: print " NMF decomp init: not updating randomly initialized H..." else: H = np.copy(Hinit) if verbose and updateH: print " NMF decomp init: updating provided initial H..." if updateW: W /= W.sum(axis=0) if WFiltInit is None or (WFiltInit.shape != (freqs, nbFiltComps)): WFilt = np.random.randn(freqs, nbFiltComps)**2 if verbose and not updateWFilt: print " NMF decomp init: not "+\ "updating randomly initialized WFilt..." else: WFilt = np.copy(WFiltInit) if verbose and updateWFilt: print " NMF decomp init: updating provided initial WFilt..." if HFiltInit is None or (HFiltInit.shape != (nframes, nbFiltComps)): HFilt = np.random.randn(nframes, nbFiltComps, )**2 if verbose and not updateHFilt: print " NMF decomp init: not updating "+\ "randomly initialized HFilt..." else: HFilt = np.copy(HFiltInit) if verbose and updateHFilt: print " NMF decomp init: updating provided initial H..." if updateWFilt: WFilt /= WFilt.sum(axis=0) Wres = (1 + np.random.randn(freqs, nbResComps))**2 Hres = (1 + np.random.randn(nframes, nbResComps))**2 if verbose>1: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) im = ax.imshow(SX) fig.colorbar(im) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax) im2 = ax2.imshow(SX) fig.colorbar(im2) for i in range(niter): if verbose: print " NMF iteration %d out of %d" %(i+1, niter) if updateW:# updating W if verbose: print " updating w f0" SF0 =, H.T) SPHI =, HFilt.T) Sres =, Hres.T) hatSX = SF0 * SPHI + Sres num = * SPHI/ np.maximum(hatSX ** 2, eps), H) den = / np.maximum(hatSX, eps), H) W *= num / np.maximum(den, eps) sumW = W.sum(axis=0) sumW[sumW==0] = 1. W /= sumW H *= sumW if updateH:# updating H if verbose: print " updating h f0" SF0 =, W.T) SPHI =, WFilt.T) Sres =, Wres.T) hatSX = SF0 * SPHI + Sres num = * SPHI/ np.maximum(hatSX ** 2, eps), W) den = / np.maximum(hatSX, eps), W) H *= num / np.maximum(den, eps) if verbose>1: im.set_data(np.log(hatSX.T)) im.set_clim([im.get_array().min(), im.get_array().max()]) plt.draw() if updateWFilt:# updating WFilt if verbose: print " updating w filter" SF0 =, H.T) SPHI =, HFilt.T) Sres =, Hres.T) hatSX = SF0 * SPHI + Sres num = * SF0 / np.maximum(hatSX ** 2, eps), HFilt) den = / np.maximum(hatSX, eps), HFilt) WFilt *= num / np.maximum(den, eps) # normalization of Wfilt sumW = WFilt.sum(axis=0) sumW[sumW==0] = 1. WFilt /= sumW HFilt *= sumW # normalizing Hfilt and sending energy to H ##sumH = HFilt.sum(axis=1) ##HFilt /= np.vstack(sumH) ##H *= np.vstack(sumH) if updateHFilt:# updating HFilt if verbose: print " updating h filter" SF0 =, W.T) SPHI =, WFilt.T) Sres =, Wres.T) hatSX = SF0 * SPHI + Sres if verbose>1: im2.set_data(np.log(hatSX.T)) im2.set_clim([im2.get_array().min(), im2.get_array().max()]) plt.draw() num = * SF0 / np.maximum(hatSX ** 2, eps), WFilt) den = / np.maximum(hatSX, eps), WFilt) HFilt *= num / np.maximum(den, eps) # normalizing Hfilt and sending energy to H sumH = HFilt.sum(axis=1) H *= np.vstack(sumH) sumH[sumH==0] = 1. HFilt /= np.vstack(sumH) ##if verbose>1: ## im2.set_data(np.log(HFilt.T)) ## im2.set_clim([im2.get_array().min(), ## im2.get_array().max()]) ## plt.draw() # update residual comps: if verbose: print " updating w residual" SF0 =, H.T) SPHI =, HFilt.T) Sres =, Hres.T) hatSX = SF0 * SPHI + Sres num = / np.maximum(hatSX ** 2, eps), Hres) den = / np.maximum(hatSX, eps), Hres) Wres *= num / np.maximum(den, eps) # normalization of Wfilt sumW = Wres.sum(axis=0) sumW[sumW==0] = 1. Wres /= sumW Hres *= sumW if verbose: print " updating h residual" SF0 =, W.T) SPHI =, WFilt.T) Sres =, Wres.T) hatSX = SF0 * SPHI + Sres num = / np.maximum(hatSX ** 2, eps), Wres) den = / np.maximum(hatSX, eps), Wres) Hres *= num / np.maximum(den, eps) return W, H.T, WFilt, HFilt.T, Wres, Hres