Webpage still
under construction...and
the sounds are not uploaded yet...
DURRIEU, Alexey OZEROV, Cédric FEVOTTE, Gaël RICHARD and Bertrand
DAVID, "Main Instrument Separation From
Stereophonic Audio Signals Using A Source/Filter Model",EUSIPCO 2009,
Glasgow, Scotland. [pdf][presentation (4.5Mo)][audio
of songs used:
MTG MASS database: MTG MASS To
build our database, we used all the provided files from the MTG MASS
database taht contained a solo voice (more specifically: a singer
Bearlin: Roads,
Fort Minor: Remember
the Name, 127-145,
Fort Minor:
Remember the Name, 199-209,
Kismet: TV
on, 100-128,
Que Pena Tanto Faz, 6-19,
Tamy: Que
Pena Tanto Faz, 58-79,
Vieux Farka Touré: Ana, 30-55,
Vieux Farka Touré: Ana, 201-213,
and then generated synthetic mixes such that each separate track (i.e.
instrument) was "localized" in a static position.
ground truth for our solo/accompaniment task was then generated as 2
tracks: the first one contains the solo part, while the other one
contains all the other sources.
Our estimated signals for the SiSEC08
evaluation campaign are also available on the result webpage of the
event: SiSEC 2008 Professionally
Produced Recordings Results (proposed algorithm
as algorithm 3 for
VU-IMM and
algorithm 4
for V-IMM)
[Durrieu09] J.-L. Durrieu, G. Richard and
B. David,An Iterative Approach to
Monaural Musical Mixture De-Soloing, ICASSP
2009. [pdf][poster][audio
Copyright 2009 IEEE.
Published in the IEEE 2009
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
2009), scheduled for April 19 - 24, 2009 in Taipei, Taiwan
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