from import *
def stft(data, window=sinebell(2048),
hopsize=256.0, nfft=2048.0, fs=44100.0):
X, F, N = stft(data,window=sinebell(2048),hopsize=1024.0,
Computes the short time Fourier transform (STFT) of data.
data :
one-dimensional time-series to be analyzed
window=sinebell(2048) :
analysis window
hopsize=1024.0 :
hopsize for the analysis
nfft=2048.0 :
number of points for the Fourier computation
(the user has to provide an even number)
fs=44100.0 :
sampling rate of the signal
X :
STFT of data
F :
values of frequencies at each Fourier bins
N :
central time at the middle of each analysis
# window defines the size of the analysis windows
lengthWindow = window.size
lengthData = data.size
# should be the number of frames by YAAFE:
numberFrames = np.ceil(lengthData / np.double(hopsize)) + 2
# to ensure that the data array s big enough,
# assuming the first frame is centered on first sample:
newLengthData = (numberFrames-1) * hopsize + lengthWindow
# !!! adding zeros to the beginning of data, such that the first window is
# centered on the first sample of data
data = np.concatenate((np.zeros(lengthWindow/2.0), data))
# zero-padding data such that it holds an exact number of frames
data = np.concatenate((data, np.zeros(newLengthData - data.size)))
# the output STFT has nfft/2+1 rows. Note that nfft has to be an even
# number (and a power of 2 for the fft to be fast)
numberFrequencies = nfft / 2 + 1
STFT = np.zeros([numberFrequencies, numberFrames], dtype=complex)
# storing FT of each frame in STFT:
for n in np.arange(numberFrames):
beginFrame = n*hopsize
endFrame = beginFrame+lengthWindow
frameToProcess = window*data[beginFrame:endFrame]
STFT[:,n] = np.fft.rfft(frameToProcess, np.int32(nfft));
# frequency and time stamps:
F = np.arange(numberFrequencies)/np.double(nfft)*fs
N = np.arange(numberFrames)*hopsize/np.double(fs)
return STFT, F, N
def istft(X, window=sinebell(2048),
hopsize=256.0, nfft=2048.0):
data = istft(X,window=sinebell(2048),hopsize=1024.0,nfft=2048.0,fs=44100)
Computes an inverse of the short time Fourier transform (STFT),
here, the overlap-add procedure is implemented.
X :
STFT of the signal, to be \"inverted\"
window=sinebell(2048) :
synthesis window
(should be the \"complementary\" window
for the analysis window)
hopsize=1024.0 :
hopsize for the analysis
nfft=2048.0 :
number of points for the Fourier computation
(the user has to provide an even number)
data :
time series corresponding to the given STFT
the first half-window is removed, complying
with the STFT computation given in the
function stft
if analysisWindow is None:
analysisWindow = window
lengthWindow = np.array(window.size)
numberFrequencies, numberFrames = X.shape
lengthData = hopsize*(numberFrames-1) + lengthWindow
normalisationSeq = np.zeros(lengthData)
data = np.zeros(lengthData)
for n in np.arange(numberFrames):
beginFrame = n * hopsize
endFrame = beginFrame + lengthWindow
frameTMP = np.fft.irfft(X[:,n], np.int32(nfft))
frameTMP = frameTMP[:lengthWindow]
normalisationSeq[beginFrame:endFrame] = (
normalisationSeq[beginFrame:endFrame] +
window * analysisWindow)
data[beginFrame:endFrame] = (
data[beginFrame:endFrame] + window * frameTMP)
data = data[(lengthWindow/2.0):]
normalisationSeq = normalisationSeq[(lengthWindow/2.0):]
normalisationSeq[normalisationSeq==0] = 1.
# ...added in the stft computation
# normalising the liutkus way:
data = data / normalisationSeq
return data
def filter_stft(data, W, analysisWindow=None,
hopsize=256.0, nfft=2048.0, fs=44100.0):
"""Sequentially compute Fourier transfo, filter and overlap-add
W is the M x M x F x N filter for the data, which should be T x M
data T x M (number of samples, number of channels)
ns, nc = data.shape
if nc != W.shape[0]:
print "data.shape", data.shape, "W.shape", W.shape
raise AttributeError("W does not have the right number of channels")
# window defines the size of the analysis windows
if analysisWindow is None or len(analysisWindow) != len(synthWindow):
analysisWindow = synthWindow
lengthWindow = synthWindow.size
lengthData = ns
# should be the number of frames by YAAFE:
numberFrames = np.ceil(lengthData / np.double(hopsize))
# to ensure that the data array s big enough,
# assuming the first frame is centered on first sample:
newLengthData = (numberFrames-1) * hopsize + lengthWindow
# !!! adding zeros to the beginning of data, such that the first window is
# centered on the first sample of data
data = np.concatenate((np.zeros([lengthWindow/2.0, nc]), data))
# zero-padding data such that it holds an exact number of frames
data = np.concatenate((data,
np.zeros([newLengthData - data.shape[0], nc])
# the output STFT has nfft/2+1 rows. Note that nfft has to be an even
# number (and a power of 2 for the fft to be fast)
numberFrequencies = nfft / 2 + 1
if numberFrequencies != W.shape[2]:
raise AttributeError("W not the right size")
# new data to be written:
normalisationSeq = np.zeros(newLengthData)
ndata = np.zeros([newLengthData, nc])
for n in np.arange(numberFrames):
beginFrame = n * hopsize
endFrame = beginFrame + lengthWindow
# Compute Fourier transforms
ft = np.zeros([nc, numberFrequencies],dtype=complex)
for c in range(nc):
frameToProcess = analysisWindow * data[beginFrame:endFrame, c]
ft[c] = np.fft.rfft(frameToProcess, np.int32(nfft))
# filter with W
filteredFt = np.zeros_like(ft)
if W.ndim == 3:
for c1 in range(nc):
for c2 in range(nc):
filteredFt[c1] += W[c1,c2] * ft[c2]
elif W.ndim == 4:
for c1 in range(nc):
for c2 in range(nc):
filteredFt[c1] += W[c1,c2,:,n] * ft[c2]
raise NotImplementedError("For W.ndim== 3 or 4"+str(W.ndim))
# overlap add
#print beginFrame,endFrame,synthWindow.shape,analysisWindow.shape#DEBUG
normalisationSeq[beginFrame:endFrame] = (
normalisationSeq[beginFrame:endFrame] +
synthWindow * analysisWindow
for c in range(nc):
frameTMP = np.fft.irfft(filteredFt[c],
frameTMP = frameTMP[:lengthWindow]
ndata[beginFrame:endFrame,c] = (
ndata[beginFrame:endFrame,c] +
synthWindow * frameTMP
del ft, filteredFt
ndata = ndata[(lengthWindow/2.0):]
normalisationSeq = normalisationSeq[(lengthWindow/2.0):]
normalisationSeq[normalisationSeq==0] = 1.
# ...added in the stft computation
# normalising the liutkus way:
ndata = ndata / np.vstack(normalisationSeq)
return ndata
def filter_conv_stft(data, W, analysisWindow=None,
hopsize=256.0, nfft=2048.0, fs=44100.0,
"""Sequentially compute Fourier transfo, filter and overlap-add
M x F x N (or M x F) filter for the data, which should be single channel
T (number of samples, number of channels)
if (data.ndim==2 and data.shape[1]!=1) or (data.ndim>2):
raise AttributeError("provided data should be single channel")
if (data.ndim==2 and data.shape[1]==1):
data = data.flatten()
ns = data.size
nchanout = W.shape[0]
if verbose:
print "data.shape", data.shape, "W.shape", W.shape
# window defines the size of the analysis windows
if analysisWindow is None or len(analysisWindow) != len(synthWindow):
analysisWindow = synthWindow
lengthWindow = synthWindow.size
lengthData = ns
# should be the number of frames by YAAFE:
numberFrames = np.ceil(lengthData / np.double(hopsize))
# to ensure that the data array s big enough,
# assuming the first frame is centered on first sample:
newLengthData = (numberFrames-1) * hopsize + lengthWindow
# !!! adding zeros to the beginning of data, such that the first window is
# centered on the first sample of data
data = np.concatenate((np.zeros(lengthWindow/2.0), data))
# zero-padding data such that it holds an exact number of frames
data = np.concatenate((data,
np.zeros(newLengthData - data.shape[0])
# the output STFT has nfft/2+1 rows. Note that nfft has to be an even
# number (and a power of 2 for the fft to be fast)
numberFrequencies = nfft / 2 + 1
if numberFrequencies != W.shape[1]:
raise AttributeError("W not the right size")
# new data to be written:
normalisationSeq = np.zeros(newLengthData)
ndata = np.zeros([newLengthData, nchanout])
for n in np.arange(numberFrames):
beginFrame = n * hopsize
endFrame = beginFrame + lengthWindow
# Compute Fourier transforms
frameToProcess = analysisWindow * data[beginFrame:endFrame]
ft = np.fft.rfft(frameToProcess, np.int32(nfft))
# filter with W
if W.ndim==2:
filteredFt = W * ft
elif W.ndim==3:
filteredFt = W[:,:,n] * ft
if verbose>1: print "W[:,:,n]", W[:,:,n]
raise ValueError(
"The provided filter does not have the right shape.")
# overlap add
#print beginFrame, endFrame, synthWindow.shape, analysisWindow.shape#DEBUG
normalisationSeq[beginFrame:endFrame] = (
normalisationSeq[beginFrame:endFrame] +
synthWindow * analysisWindow
for c in range(nchanout):
frameTMP = np.fft.irfft(filteredFt[c],
frameTMP = frameTMP[:lengthWindow]
ndata[beginFrame:endFrame,c] = (
ndata[beginFrame:endFrame,c] +
synthWindow * frameTMP
del ft, filteredFt
ndata = ndata[(lengthWindow/2.0):]
normalisationSeq = normalisationSeq[(lengthWindow/2.0):]
normalisationSeq[normalisationSeq==0] = 1.
# ...added in the stft computation
# normalising the liutkus way:
ndata = ndata / np.vstack(normalisationSeq)
return ndata
# wrapper transformation classes:
[docs]class STFT():
"""Object that implements the computation of Short-Term Fourier Transforms
(STFT) and its inverse.
:param integer linFTLen:
size of the Fourier transform
:param double atomHopFactor:
ratio of delay from frame to frame. 0.25 corresponds to a 25% "hop"
ratio, or equivalently to 75% of overlap between succesive frames.
:param function winFunc:
analysis window function.
:param integer fs:
sampling rate of the processed signals
:param synthWinFunc:
:param kwargs:
transformname = 'stft'
def __init__(self, linFTLen=2048, atomHopFactor=0.25,
winFunc=np.hanning, fs=44100, synthWinFunc=None,
fthop = int(linFTLen * atomHopFactor)
self.ftlen = linFTLen
self.freqbins = self.ftlen / 2 + 1
self.atomHopFactor = atomHopFactor
self.fthop = fthop
if winFunc is None:
winFunc = np.hanning
self.winFunc = winFunc
self.window = self.winFunc(self.ftlen)
self.synthWinFunc = (synthWinFunc if synthWinFunc is not None
else self.winFunc)
self.synthWindow = self.synthWinFunc(self.ftlen)
self.fs = fs
def computeTransform(self, data):
self.transfo, self.freq_stamps, self.time_stamps = stft(
fs=self.fs, nfft=self.ftlen
self.datalen_init = data.size
self.time_stamps *= self.fs # for some reason, time_stamps is in samples
def invertTransform(self):
return istft(