Source code for pyfasst.tftransforms.tft

"""Time-Frequency Transforms

TODO: turn this into something more self-contained (like defining a super class
for all the possible time-freq transforms)
from minqt import MinQTransfo, CQTransfo, sqrt_blackmanharris

from stft import STFT # TODO: should be the opposite, should import stft from here into audioObject
from nsgt import NSGMinQT

# Possible super class transform: 
[docs]class TFTransform(object): """TFTransform is the Time-Frequency Transform base class. All the TF representations sub-classing it should implement the following methods: * :py:func:`TFTransform.computeTransform` to compute the desired transform on data. The transform is then stored in `TFTransform.transfo`_ * :py:func:`TFTransform.invertTransform` to invert the transform from the stored transform in `TFTransform.transfo`_ """ transformname = 'dummy' transfo = None # risky to have it defined here """.. _TFTransform.transfo: `TFTransform.transfo` receives the transform when computeTransform is called. """ def __init__(self, fmin=25, fmax=1000, bins=12, fs=44100, q=1, atomHopFactor=0.25, thresh=0.0005, winFunc=None, perfRast=0, cqtkernel=None, lowPassCoeffs=None, data=None, verbose=0, **kwargs): """We define all the possible input for the transform here. Maybe not the brightest of all ideas. One has to be able to call all sub-classes even if they don't have the same input parameters. For convenience, the parameterization should be done at this call, and not when computing the transform (with only ``data`` as input). This is not compatible with the NSQT framework, which requires to know the size of the signal for initialization. """ pass
[docs] def computeTransform(self, data): """Computes the transform on the provided data. The sub-classes should re-implement this method, and store the result in the attribute `TFTransform.transfo`_. """ pass
[docs] def invertTransform(self): """Computes the inverse transform from the stored transform in `TFTransform.transfo`_ """ pass
tftransforms = { 'stftold': TFTransform, # just making dummy 'stft': STFT, 'mqt': MinQTransfo, 'minqt': MinQTransfo, 'nsgmqt': NSGMinQT, 'cqt': CQTransfo} """A convenience dictionary, with abbreviated names for the transforms."""